Source code for lightkde.lightkde

Reliable and extremely fast kernel density estimator for one and two-dimensional

The kernel density estimations here are kept as simple and as separated from the rest
of the code as possible. They do nothing but kernel density estimation. The
motivation for their partial reimplementation is that the existing kernel density
estimators are:
* suboptimal (like scipy where no kernel bandwidth optimization is done), or
* come with a gorilla holding a banana and the entire jungle although only the
    banana is needed.

Do one thing and do it well.

Botev's Matlab codes are the starting point of this implementation as those mostly
follow the above principle.

 - [low] add cdf estimate as in ``kde_1d.m``.
 - [high] more thorough input check, mostly shape and type.
 - [high] check the details of ``histc`` in Matlab and ``np.histogram`` make sure that
    appending a zero to ``sample_hist`` is always valid.

import copy
import logging
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import fft, optimize
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

N_X_VEC = int(2**14)
N_ROW_MX = int(2**8)

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# 1D
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[docs]def kde_1d( sample_vec: Union[np.ndarray, list], n_x_vec: int = N_X_VEC, x_min: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, x_max: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, weight_vec: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, return_bandwidth: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]]: """ Reliable and extremely fast kernel density estimator for one-dimensional sample. Gaussian kernel is assumed and the bandwidth is chosen automatically. Unlike many other implementations, this one is immune to problems caused by multimodal densities with widely separated modes. The estimation does not deteriorate for multimodal densities, because we never assume a parametric model for the sample. .. note:: * The elements of ``sample_vec`` that fall between ``x_min`` and ``x_max`` will be treated as the full sample, i.e. the kernel density over ``[x_min, x_max]`` will integrate to one. * If the search for finding the optimal bandwidth fails the functions falls back to ``scipy.stats.gaussian_kde``. Args: sample_vec: A vector of sample points from which the density estimate is constructed. n_x_vec: The number of ``x_vec`` points used in the uniform discretization of the interval ``[x_min, x_max]``. ``n_x_vec`` has to be a power of two. If ``n_x_vec`` is not a power of two, then ``n_x_vec`` is rounded up to the next power of two, i.e., ``n_x_vec`` is set to ``n_x_vec=2**ceil(log2(n_x_vec))``; the default value of ``n_x_vec`` is ``n_x_vec=2**14``. x_min: The lower boundary of the interval over which the density estimate is constructed. x_max: The upper boundary of the interval over which the density estimate is constructed. weight_vec: Weights of sample points. This must have the same shape as ``sample_vec``. If ``None`` (default), the samples are assumed to be equally weighted. Only the values of elements relative to each other matter, i.e. multiplying ``weight_vec`` by a non-negative scalar does not change the results. return_bandwidth: Should the used bandwidth be returned? Raises: ValueError: If ``weight_vec`` has at least one negative value. Warns: Root finding failed (Brent's method): Optimal bandwidth finding failed, falling back to the rule-of-thumb bandwidth of ``scipy.stats.gaussian_kde``. Returns: Kernel densities, a vector of length ``n_x_vec`` with the values of the density estimate at the grid points (``x_vec``). Kernel density grid (``x_vec``), a vector of grid points over which the kernel density estimate is computed. Optimal bandwidth (Gaussian kernel assumed), returned only if ``return_bandwidth`` is ``True``. Examples: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from lightkde import kde_1d .. code-block:: python sample_vec = [ -1.3145, -0.5197, 0.9326, 3.2358, 0.3814, -0.3226, 2.1121, 1.1357, 0.4376, -0.0332 ] density_vec, x_vec = kde_1d(sample_vec) .. code-block:: python sample_vec = np.hstack((np.random.normal(loc=-8, size=100), np.random.normal(loc=-3, size=100), np.random.normal(loc=7, size=100))) density_vec, x_vec = kde_1d(sample_vec) plt.subplots() plt.plot(x_vec, density_vec) The kde bandwidth selection method is outlined in [1]. This implementation is based on the implementation of Daniel B. Smith [2] who based his implementation on the Matlab implementation by Zdravko Botev [3]. References: [1] Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese (2010) Annals of Statistics, Volume 38, Number 5, pages 2916-2957. [2] # noqa: E501 Updated on: 6 Feb 2013. [3] # noqa: E501 Updated on: 30 Dec 2015. """ sample_vec = np.array(sample_vec).ravel() n_sample = len(np.unique(sample_vec)) # Parameters to set up the x_vec on which to calculate n_x_vec = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(n_x_vec))) if x_min is None or x_max is None: sample_min = np.min(sample_vec) sample_max = np.max(sample_vec) sample_range = sample_max - sample_min x_min = sample_min - sample_range / 10 if x_min is None else x_min x_max = sample_max + sample_range / 10 if x_max is None else x_max # watch out, scaling of weight_vec if weight_vec is not None: weight_vec = np.atleast_1d(weight_vec).squeeze() if np.any(weight_vec < 0): raise ValueError("Argument: weight_vec cannot have negative elements!") weight_vec = weight_vec / np.sum(weight_vec) * n_sample # Range of x_vec x_range = x_max - x_min # Histogram the sample_vec to get a crude first approximation of the density step = x_range / (n_x_vec - 1) x_vec = np.arange(start=x_min, stop=x_max + 0.1 * step, step=step) sample_hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(sample_vec, bins=x_vec, weights=weight_vec) # for easier comparison with Matlab, the count for [x_vec[-1], +Inf [ is also # added, i.e. 0 sample_hist = np.append(sample_hist, 0) sample_hist = sample_hist / n_sample # discrete cosine transform of initial sample_vec dct_sample = fft.dct(sample_hist, norm=None) ic = np.arange(1, n_x_vec, dtype=float) ** 2 sq_dct_sample = (dct_sample[1:] / 2) ** 2.0 # The fixed point calculation finds the bandwidth = t_star guess = 0.1 try: t_star = optimize.brentq( f=fixed_point, a=0, b=guess, args=(n_sample, ic, sq_dct_sample) ) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: logging.warning( "Failed to find the optimal bandwidth.\n\t" f"Root finding (Brent's method) failed with error: {e}.\n\t" "We fall back to use ``scipy.stats.gaussian_kde``).\n\t" "Please carefully check the results!" ) # t_star = 0.28 * n_x_vec ** (-2 / 5) gkde = gaussian_kde(sample_vec, weights=weight_vec) density_vec = gkde.evaluate(x_vec) if return_bandwidth: return density_vec, x_vec, np.nan else: return density_vec, x_vec # Smooth the DCTransformed sample_vec using t_star sm_dct_sample = dct_sample * np.exp( -np.arange(n_x_vec) ** 2 * np.pi**2 * t_star / 2 ) # Inverse DCT to get density density_vec = fft.idct(sm_dct_sample, norm=None) / x_range bandwidth = np.sqrt(t_star) * x_range density_vec = density_vec / np.trapz(density_vec, x_vec) if return_bandwidth: return density_vec, x_vec, bandwidth else: return density_vec, x_vec
def fixed_point(t, n_sample, ic, sq_dct_sample): # this implements the function t-zeta*gamma**[l](t) c7 = 7 ic = np.longdouble(ic) n_sample = np.longdouble(n_sample) sq_dct_sample = np.longdouble(sq_dct_sample) f = ( 2 * np.pi ** (2 * c7) * np.sum(ic**c7 * sq_dct_sample * np.exp(-ic * np.pi**2 * t)) ) for s in range(c7, 1, -1): k0 =, 2 * s, 2)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) const = (1 + (1 / 2) ** (s + 1 / 2)) / 3 time = (2 * const * k0 / n_sample / f) ** (2 / (3 + 2 * s)) f = ( 2 * np.pi ** (2 * s) * np.sum(ic**s * sq_dct_sample * np.exp(-ic * np.pi**2 * time)) ) return t - (2 * n_sample * np.sqrt(np.pi) * f) ** (-2 / 5) # ====================================================================================== # 2D # ======================================================================================
[docs]def kde_2d( sample_mx: Union[np.ndarray, list], n_row_mx: int = N_ROW_MX, xy_min: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable] = None, xy_max: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable] = None, weight_vec: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None, return_bandwidth: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float], ]: """ Fast and accurate state-of-the-art bivariate kernel density estimator with diagonal bandwidth matrix. The kernel is assumed to be Gaussian. The two bandwidth parameters are chosen optimally without ever using/assuming a parametric model for the sample_vec or any "rules of thumb". Unlike many other procedures, this one is immune to accuracy failures in the estimation of multimodal densities with widely separated modes. Args: sample_mx: A 2D matrix of sample_vec from which the density estimate is constructed, the matrix must have two columns that represent the two coordinates (x,y) of the 2D sample_vec. n_row_mx: Number of points along each dimension (same for columns) where the estimate of the density will be returned, i.e. total number of points is ``n_row_x_mx**2``. xy_min: The lower x and y boundaries of the interval over which the density estimate is constructed. xy_max: The upper x and y boundaries of the interval over which the density estimate is constructed. weight_vec: Weights of sample points. This must have the same number of elements as rows in ``sample_vec``, the same weight is applied to both coordinates of the same ``sample_vec`` point. If ``None`` (default), the samples are assumed to be equally weighted. The absolute value of the elements of ``weight_vec`` does not matter, only the values of elements relative to each other, i.e. multiplying ``weight_vec`` by a scalar does not change the results. return_bandwidth: Should the used bandwidth be returned? Raises: ValueError: If the number of columns in ``sample_mx`` is not two. If ``weight_vec`` has at least one negative value. Returns: Kernel densities, 2D matrix with the values of the density estimate at the grid points formed by ``x_mx`` and ``y_mx``. Kernel density grid (``x_mx``), the x coordinates of the grid points over which the density estimate is computed in the form of a 2D matrix that is the outcome of ``np.meshgrid``. Kernel density grid (``y_mx``), the x coordinates of the grid points over which the density estimate is computed in the form of a 2D matrix that is the outcome of ``np.meshgrid``. Optimal bandwidth (Gaussian kernel assumed), returned only if ``return_bandwidth`` is ``True``. .. note:: To ease testing and debugging the implementation very closely follows [2], i.e. [2] is assumed to be correct. References: [1] Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese (2010) Annals of Statistics, Volume 38, Number 5, pages 2916-2957. [2] # noqa: E501 Updated on: 30 Dec 2015. """ sample_mx = np.atleast_2d(sample_mx) if sample_mx.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"``sample_vec`` should have exactly two columns but your input has:" f" {sample_mx.shape[1]}." ) n_row_mx = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(n_row_mx))) n_sample = sample_mx.shape[0] if xy_min is None or xy_max is None: xy_sample_max = np.max(sample_mx, axis=0) xy_sample_min = np.min(sample_mx, axis=0) xy_sample_range = xy_sample_max - xy_sample_min xy_max = xy_sample_max + xy_sample_range / 2 if xy_max is None else xy_max xy_min = xy_sample_min - xy_sample_range / 2 if xy_min is None else xy_min # watch out, scaling of weight_vec if weight_vec is not None: weight_vec = np.atleast_1d(weight_vec).squeeze() if np.any(weight_vec < 0): raise ValueError("Argument: ``weight_vec`` cannot have negative elements!") weight_vec = weight_vec / np.sum(weight_vec) * n_sample xy_max = np.atleast_1d(xy_max) xy_min = np.atleast_1d(xy_min) scaling = xy_max - xy_min transformed_sample = (sample_mx - xy_min) / scaling # bin the sample_vec uniformly using regular grid initial_sample = hist_2d( sample_mx=transformed_sample, n_bin=n_row_mx, weight_vec=weight_vec ) # discrete cosine transform of initial sample_vec a = dct2d(initial_sample) # compute the optimal bandwidth**2 ic = np.arange(start=0, stop=n_row_mx, step=1, dtype=float) ** 2 ac2 = a**2 t_star = root( lambda t: t - evolve(t, n_sample=n_sample, ic=ic, ac2=ac2)[0], n=n_sample ) def func_(s, t): return func(s=s, t=t, n_sample=n_sample, ic=ic, ac2=ac2) p_02 = func_([0, 2], t_star) p_20 = func_([2, 0], t_star) p_11 = func_([1, 1], t_star) t_y = ( p_02 ** (3 / 4) / (4 * np.pi * n_sample * p_20 ** (3 / 4) * (p_11 + np.sqrt(p_20 * p_02))) ) ** (1 / 3) t_x = ( p_20 ** (3 / 4) / (4 * np.pi * n_sample * p_02 ** (3 / 4) * (p_11 + np.sqrt(p_20 * p_02))) ) ** (1 / 3) # smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial sample_vec using t_star n_range = np.arange(0, n_row_mx, dtype=float) v1 = np.atleast_2d(np.exp(-(n_range**2) * np.pi**2 * t_x / 2)).T v2 = np.atleast_2d(np.exp(-(n_range**2) * np.pi**2 * t_y / 2)) a_t = np.matmul(v1, v2) * a # apply the inverse discrete cosine transform density_mx = idct2d(a_t) * (a_t.size / # remove any negative density values density_mx[density_mx < 0] = np.finfo(float).eps x_step = scaling[0] / (n_row_mx - 1) y_step = scaling[1] / (n_row_mx - 1) x_vec = np.arange(start=xy_min[0], stop=xy_max[0] + 0.1 * x_step, step=x_step) y_vec = np.arange(start=xy_min[1], stop=xy_max[1] + 0.1 * y_step, step=y_step) x_mx, y_mx = np.meshgrid(x_vec, y_vec) bandwidth = np.sqrt([t_x, t_y]) * scaling density_mx = density_mx.T if return_bandwidth: return density_mx, x_mx, y_mx, bandwidth else: return density_mx, x_mx, y_mx
def evolve(t, n_sample: int, ic, ac2): def func_(ss, tt): return func(s=ss, t=tt, n_sample=n_sample, ic=ic, ac2=ac2) sum_func = func_([0, 2], t) + func_([2, 0], t) + 2 * func_([1, 1], t) time = (2 * np.pi * n_sample * sum_func) ** (-1 / 3) out = (t - time) / time return out, time def func(s, t, n_sample, ic, ac2): if sum(s) <= 4: sum_func = func([s[0] + 1, s[1]], t, n_sample=n_sample, ic=ic, ac2=ac2) + func( [s[0], s[1] + 1], t, n_sample=n_sample, ic=ic, ac2=ac2 ) const = (1 + 1 / 2 ** (np.sum(s) + 1)) / 3 time = (-2 * const * k_fun(s[0]) * k_fun(s[1]) / n_sample / sum_func) ** ( 1 / (2 + np.sum(s)) ) out = psi(s, time, ic, ac2) else: out = psi(s, t, ic, ac2) return out def psi(s, time, ic, ac2): # s is a vector w = np.exp(-ic * np.pi**2 * time) * np.append(1, 0.5 * np.ones(len(ic) - 1)) wx = w * (ic ** s[0]) wy = w * (ic ** s[1]) out = ( (-1) ** np.sum(s) * (np.matmul(np.matmul(wy, ac2), wx.T)) * np.pi ** (2 * np.sum(s)) ) return out def k_fun(s): step = 2 idx = np.arange(start=1, stop=2 * s - 1 + 0.1 * step, step=step) return (-1) ** s * / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) def dct2d(sample): # t_sample = fft.dct(fft.dct(sample_vec, axis=0), axis=1) t_sample = fft.dctn(sample) t_sample[:, 0] = t_sample[:, 0] / 2 t_sample[0, :] = t_sample[0, :] / 2 return t_sample def idct2d(sample): sample = copy.deepcopy(sample) sample[:, 0] = sample[:, 0] * 2 sample[0, :] = sample[0, :] * 2 t_sample = fft.idctn(sample) return t_sample def hist_2d(sample_mx, n_bin, weight_vec: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the histogram of a 2-dimensional sample (two columns, n rows). Args: sample_mx: A sample of ``n_rows`` and ``n_columns``. n_bin: The number of bins used in each dimension so that ``binned_sample`` is a hypercube with size length equal to ``n_bin``. weight_vec: Weights. Returns: Binned sample :meta private: """ x = sample_mx[:, 0] y = sample_mx[:, 1] step = 1 / n_bin hc = np.histogram2d( x, y, bins=np.arange(0, 1 + 0.1 * step, step=step), weights=weight_vec )[0] binned_sample = hc / np.sum(hc) return binned_sample def root(fun, n): # Try to find the smallest root whenever there is more than one. max_tol = 0.1 n = 50 * int(n <= 50) + 1050 * int(n >= 1050) + n * int((n < 1050) & (n > 50)) # pwith the current numbers this is at maximum 0.01 tol = 10**-12 + 0.01 * (n - 50) / 1000 solved = False while not solved: try: t = optimize.brentq(f=fun, a=0, b=tol) solved = True except ValueError: # double search interval tol = min(tol * 2, max_tol) # if all else fails if tol >= max_tol: t = optimize.fminbound(func=lambda x: abs(fun(x)), x1=0, x2=0.1) solved = True return t